Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Social Media protection

My online footprint is big. I have accounts on all of the major social media sites, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and sometimes LinkedIn.  I don't have my own my personal website. I do tend to use some more than others. For example, I would definitely say I use Instagram or Snapchat more than Facebook. I just post personal pictures on Instagram and highlights of my favorite sports teams on Facebook.

Due to the fact that my name is more common, it is more difficult for someone to find me on a social media site. Looking at my social media accounts, there is a lot someone could learn about me both directly and indirectly. They could figure out my age, my social class, relationship status, my current summer occupation and many of my interests. My parents taught me from an early age to be careful about what I post online. I have taken their advice and there is nothing embarrassing or too personal on my social media. You will not find my phone number or email address.

In a way I can see why social media could make someone lonely, depressed or isolated because you constantly see what fun things others are doing and sometimes wish you were at the event or having fun also. Although you have many “friends” on social media they aren’t close friends.  Instead of taking to people you may just snapchat your photo to them.  It can also be hurtful if someone posts something negative about another person online. Social media for me is an opportunity to make new friends and friend or follow the people that I’m already actually friends with, people who I actually hang out with on a regular basis. It also allows me to follow my favorite sports teams or my favorite athletes to see what they're up to. I enjoy being on social media, keeping up with my favorite sports teams, friends and news but I am careful.


Image result for social media

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